Sunday, July 20, 2008

Grab them before they're gone.

Sometimes my entries are just based on special events or innate emotions, just waiting to be released.

Other times, i get my inspiration to write an entry from friends' blogs or quotes like if i think what they wrote is so true, i'll reflect and give my own interpretation of it.

I was reading yuan's blog and he wrote this, 'We think too much before doing something and lost it.'

The first reaction i had after reading this entry was 'omg TRUE'.

Sooooo true.

Sometimes we get too bothered about the results and consequences inflicted on others, we get lost.

We get bogged down by them.

We shudder. We recoil in our own fears and horrors.

We don't talk, silence takes control. We worry about this, that, everything.

We run away. Far far away from doing that very thing.

And before our very own eyes, they disappear.

Subtly, without a trace nor a sign.

Just.. gone.