I was just writing in my previous entry a few hours ago about how clueless i am about my future prospects. Like i definitely don't want to work my way towards the a's thinking that the core reasons driving my effort are dumb ones.
And i was praying, hoping that He'll help me figure out this soon cos i need an aim, a motivation, just something to keep me going.
Lo and behold, I tell you, He's amazing.
Soon after, i was chatting with an old good friend whom i've not talked to for ages. And suddenly, he was asking me about my career options(of all things).
Of course, like 67859432321 of my replies, i'll say, "I DON'T KNOW."
Then, he started giving me advices and options based on my interests. I voiced out my grouses and bugbears but eventually, those worries slowly diminish.
I can bravely admit now that it's all pretty much sorted out. I know what i want!
Thank you, Allah.